Translation of the forewords of Germinie Lacerteux, by the Goncourt brothers
Goncourt brothers, Germinie Lacerteux, Foreword, Translation, NaturalismAbstract
The novel Germinie Lacerteux, written by brothers Edmond (1822- 1896) and Jules (1830-1870) de Goncourt, is currently considered by critics as one of the precursors works of naturalism in France and its preface as a manifesto of that movement. At the time of its release, in 1865, the critics’ interpretation of the novel’s foreword was that this text was a step forward in realism. Years later, in 1886, in a reedition by Germinie Lacerteux, Edmond de Goncourt adds a second preface to the work, in an attempt to endorse the novel’s precursor character in naturalist values and themes, such as writing based on the observation of reality and the documentation of facts. The present text proposes the translation of the two prefaces by Germinie Lacerteux, plus comments, explanatory notes, and bibliographical indications.
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