Eugénio de Andrade and the interdicted words
Eugénio de Andrade, Portuguese Poetry, Censorship, Interlocution, CentenaryAbstract
The interdicted words in Portuguese poetry of the 20th century, taking as a starting point “As palavras interditas”, a poem by Eugénio de Andrade, have as main objective to interpret them in the Work of the great poet, starting from the hypothesis that the interlocution between verses can be read as the construction of a language capable of, in variants, saying/expressing how in situations/states of censorship, of prohibition on the free passage of words, poetry learns to say, spells, says and teaches to say the meaning of speaking of love in times of cholera, of writing poems as if they were “news of the blockade” through the exchange of verses between poets who are at once solitary and supportive.
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