“In the name of progress and the unity of the fighting forces”

fidelity and enmity in As Lágrimas e o vento, by Manuel dos Santos Lima


  • Renata Flavia da Silva UFF – Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Letras – Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Vernáculas. Niterói – RJ – Brasil




Angolan Literature, Manuel dos Santos Lima, Representation, Regimes of alterity, Enmity


This article seeks to analyse of the regimes of alterity present in the novel Lágrimas e o vento (1975), by Manuel dos Santos Lima. Taking the political and social transformations experienced in Angola as regulating elements of the notions of alterity, fidelity and / or enmity, it is intended to observe such literary production, contingent on the liberation struggle, in order to problematize the fictional construction of the “enemy” made by Santos Lima. Relying on a transdisciplinary basis, relating literature, history, memory and politics, with emphasis on postcolonial studies and the intersections between the different ontological records: fictional and factual, our analyses is based on the studies of Stuart Hall, Umberto Eco and Giorgio Agamben, among others.

