The english language translation of “A terceira margem do rio”
Guimarães Rosa, Primeiras estórias, Translation, Sentences, Confessional tone,Abstract
The study of the translation of literary texts consists in an excellent textual criticism tool since it demands from the researcher a careful analysis of both macro and microstructures of the original text while looking for its specificities and its own way of producing meaning. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to carry out an analysis of the English language translation of the short story “A terceira margem do rio”, by Guimarães Rosa – “The third bank of the river”, by Barbara Shelby – based on the study of certain textual marks in the original text. As a set, these marks veil the metaphysicalreligious theme of the narrative and, therefore, the omission or transformation of them in the translation may affect the deepest meaning of the text.
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