From prose to poetry: a bakhtinian polyphony in the modern lyricism of Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Dialogy, Polyphony, Poetic speech, Drummond, Bakhtin,Abstract
With the modernist avant-garde, contradicting the tradition, comes a new way of designing the literary. Poetry leaves the egocentric apotheosis and, bordering on the prosaism of the novel, invigorates the revolutionary thought of the bakhtinian polyphony in the formation of a new genre, then called, polyphonic poetry. This is the route we propose to investigate in this study. For that, we will start rereading the principles of dialogism, polyphony and speech genres, in the light of modern artistic revolution. Then, we go on to listen to other people’s voices in representative poems of lyricism of participation in Drummond’s A rosa do povo. Thus, in the way the I is inscribed, the other, after all, is revealed.Downloads
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