Letters to un pied-noir: three faces of Albert Camus’ correspondence
Albert Camus, Pascal Pia, René Char, Jean Grenier, Correspondence,Abstract
Although the French-Algerian writer Albert Camus is usually associated with the Parisian existentialistic circle, his correspondence signalizes the action of other fundamental agents to the development of his literally career and to compose a microcosm around his thought. This article will discuss the movement of some agents such as Pascal Pia, René Char and Jean Grenier, in the literally field of the period according to Pierre Bourdieu’s conception in “The Market of Symbolic Goods”. In this context, we will point out the affective relations, the intervention of these intellectuals in the genesis of Camus’ works, the political-ideological interests and the esthetic aspect – sometimes even poetical – of the letter composition. Finally, we intend to expose some elements that contribute to build an authorial image of Albert Camus both in the public and in the private spheres.Downloads
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