Nature and analogy in Álvares de Azevedo


  • Alexandre de Melo Andrade UFS – Universidade Federal de Sergipe – Departamento de Letras Vernáculas − São Cristóvão − SE


Álvares de Azevedo, Analogy, Nature, Poetry, Romanticism,


In romantic poetry, the poet transcends the physical nature, because it establishes with it an internal understanding; from this point of view, the romantic nature is revealing because it expresses the subjective experience of the lyrical subject and contributes to the achievement of a demiurgic consciousness. This poetry full of analogies will be the starting point for the approach of a universe where every natural element is seen as a metaphor for other higher reality, intuited by the poetic project. Álvares de Azevedo, in Lira dos Vinte Anos, develops such pantheistic intuition, especially in the First and Third Parts of it. The intent of this article is to understand the poetic nature of the young author, so that we can dialogue with the transcendent experience of the romantic subject and the conjectures of the widespread romantic philosophy from the German Pre- Romanticism.




