Socrates in Wall Street. The Parlapatões and the reception of aristophanic comedy at the beginning of Lula’s government
Aristophanes, Brazilian presidential election (2002), Classical reception, Parlapatões, The clouds,Abstract
This paper intends to discuss the reception of Aristophanic comedy in contemporary Brazil by analyzing a specific staging. As nuvens e/ou um deu$ chamado dinheiro (The Clouds and / or a god called Money) was staged by the Parlapatões company in 2003, the first year of the government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, to whose electoral campaign it seems to respond. This analysis will be guided by the following features: a) direct observation derived from experience as a spectator; b) consulting paratexts (the show program, press release, etc), c) theater reviews, and d) photographic and filmic records. The play will be examined from the following topics: a) genesis of the staging; b) the context of the production; c) the adopted performing solutions, thus seeking to encompass the various features of this unique assembly.
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