De verbo ad verbum: 18th century considerations about translation methods in the preliminary texts of Arte histórica de Luciano Samossateno
Dedication, Free translation, Literal translation, Luciano de Samósata,Abstract
This article aims to investigate two 18th century perspectives that were valid in Portugal about the procedures used to translate, from preliminary texts to the book Arte historica de Luciano Samossateno, traduzida do grego em duas versões portuguesas (1733). In their dedication the translators of the book request the Count of Ericeira to judge the versions, after each one of them presents the grounds of his choices to convert the original text, wondering: which of the versions can be read without dishonor to the translator? The controversy is solved in the “Censura das traduções” written by the count, who evaluates the two translations dedicated to him. From the study on how the genre dedication was historically used we examined the defense that each translator wrote to his method. Then we try to make evident the conceptions about translation that prevailed in those texts and demonstrate that the laudatory character of the dedications was related to a complex social system which regulated the offer of works and the relations of protection and patronage established in the court between sponsors and authors.Downloads
Classics: translation and reception
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