Historical constitution of the brazilian union movement.


  • Wander Amaral Camargo Unioeste – Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná / PR.




Brazilian, Class work, Historical


The Republic brings with the new political model, also, an intervention period on the part of the State in the subjects between the dominant class and the subordinate classes,
seeking to regulate the relationships between Capital and Work. The regulation of the job market favored not only to the working class, but also, to the dominant class, that road like
this the movement striker to flow back. The proletariat obtains several concessions, among them the prohibition of the work for twelve year-old minors, the retirement right to the
railway man, the right to the railway man paid vacations and of the ones that they worked with the water supply in the Federal Capital. His function starts to be of builder of the
Political School for the worker, turning him/it capable to make his/her emancipation total front to the capital. In our country the union, although legal of the juridical point of view of
the bourgeois order, it is denied and illegal in fact, because the repression policeman impedes the free exercise of their manifestations, when the State, acting on behalf of the capital,
through the Labor court, she judges illegal some strike type, exercising on the work an authoritarian dominance.



