Global agenda for decent work in Latin America: analysis of social protection in Brazil and Chile
Decent work, Social protection, Brazil, Chile,Abstract
This paper aims to present the conditions of decent work in Brazil and Chile. Since the Democratization’s Third Wave, Brazil and Chile have experienced distinct political realities: Brazil, being influenced by the neoliberalism paradigm, had tried to downsize the state. Chile, being the most prominent case of economic liberalism experience in Latin America during its military regime, has experienced social demands hitherto silenced. The concept of decent work coined by the International Labor Organization in 1999 has four pillars: respect for international labor standards, social security, employment creation and social dialogue. Based on a social protection analysis, we verified both countries’ efforts to implement the Global Decent Work Agenda. Brazil's regional relevance and Chile's presence as an associate member of Mercosur justifies this investigation.
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