Modernity, EAD and telecommuting: the dilemma of reconciling the home and the street, from the damattiana's perspective
EAD, Work, Modernity, Time, Space,Abstract
Based on the inclusion of teachers in the distance education modality, this paper aims to understand telecommuting and distance learning, within the context of modernity with its fluid spaces and times and disconnection. Consideration will be given to the new dynamic workspaces, which contains the world's home in the world of the street and the street world at home, as DaMatta (2001), (1997) and (1991) about the Brazilian dilemma, and how these agglutination spaces can influence individuals and society. This paper aims to sketch the landscape of higher education in Brazil postneoliberal governments, and discuss the context of the emergence of distance learning in Brazil, in addition to laws and ordinances that governs this type of education. Thus, the objective is to examine the telework, its limits and possibilities and so, see if is possible to identify within the referred dynamic begins where it ends and where the space of the home and work space.
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