Nina Rodrigues, Gilberto Freyre and Florestan Fernandes: three different perspectives on miscigenation
Miscegenation, Black populations, Nina Rodrigues, Gilberto Freyre, Florestan Fernandes,Abstract
The paper intends to compare the analyzes made by Nina Rodrigues, Gilberto Freyre and Florestan Fernandes on the issues concerning the black population in Brazil. Thus, Nina Rodrigues in the context of the abolition found in the miscegenation between blacks and whites a problem that delayed the way towards a civilized society, different from Gilberto Freyre that found in miscegenation the particularity that characterized the Brazilian people. Florestan Fernandes, on the other hand, under other perceptions present in the 1950s, understood that the obstacles that the black populations passed were social. In this sense, the work seeks to apprehend the main conceptions of these intellectuals concerned with the results of the effective miscegenation of Brazilian society after the abolition.Downloads
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