The construction of identities in multicultural societies: thinking the similarities between concepts of postcolonialism and the writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Identity, Contemporaneity, Post-colonialism, Actuality.Abstract
Thinking about the construction of identities in contemporary times is no longer limited to thinking structures embedded in archaic and binary traditionalisms. This construction, today, proposes us increasingly complex and extended relations, atomized mainly by the possibilities of physical / geographic, contact and information transits. The boundaries between the West and the rest of the world are no longer so rigid and what is known as the periphery are voices of identification. In the meantime, the present text dialogues with some post-colonial thinkers, with the African writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, exemplifying how these questions are actually developed today in a figure that is the representation of what the West saw as peripheral.Downloads
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