The rap and its ways of consumption: an analysis of social and mental implications in the individual
Rap music, Symbolic borders, Consumption, Contemporary culture, Emotionality.Abstract
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, rap reached its boom with the motive force being the denunciation of the reality of the peripheries and the black individual in Brazil. Today, the market goes on to sell musical style and dress beyond the favelas where the lyrics take on new significations and approach incessantly a form of luxury worship, entering the musical taste of the upper middle class. In view of this, I propose to analyze the process of identity construction and "wish to be" observed in the black and peripheral, a desire that is blocked by the fact that many singers do not denounce the contradictions experienced anymore and, unconsciously, can be a generator of impacts on the emotionality and sociability of the individual due to the feeling of frustration and insufficiency caused by the conditions of the environment that prevent him from transforming himself and the space that surrounds him.
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