Citizenship, identity policies and policy renewal: a debate in the light of John Rawls’ theory of justice
Citizenship, LGBT movement, Political renewal movements, Theory of justice.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the concept of justice in terms of egalitarian liberalism conceived by the english philosopher John Rawls (1921-2002) with brazilian citizenship, identifying in it a non-regular procedural structure that does not obey the lexical order of conquests of universal rights inspired by liberal ideals, mainly because it is a country that very late gave up a slave-like economy. Based on this fact, we present two situations of political action that we attribute as part of the context of social problems in the country and the exercise of citizenship: we highlight the LGBT movement, a population that demands recognition and social rights. Next, we call attention to the trend of political renewal, based on the formation of supra-partisan organizations in recent years, with the intention of oxygenating political activity in a political moment in which public institutions progressively lose credibility and trust of the population.Downloads
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