Reflections about women's body and sexuality in eastern dance: comparatives between Brazil-Egypt under foucaultian optics
Body, Dance, Power, Sexuality.Abstract
Art is classified through the ages, from the most remote, in the most distinct artistic characteristics, as a way of looking at the world. Among the most appreciated arts, the art of dance, present since the earliest civilizations, endures in modern times, enchanting generations. Through dance, whatever the style, one speaks, writes, draws, dreams, utilizing the body. The art of dance enhances bodily experiences in different social organizations. Its importance is in force in every epoch of history and is so unique that it changes and changes, and has been present since the earliest civilizations. The aim is to give the subject the opportunity in the field of sensitivities, based on dance, allowing him to experience a cognitive / affective experience, providing disruption in the way of reading / thinking and acting, about himself, the other and the world in an ethical and reflective way. In this way, the referring qualitative research sought to analyze the similarities and differences of the woman's body and sexuality in oriental dance in Brazil and Egypt through thematic analysis. The expected results signal an improvement in the ways of dancing in a pleasurable and critical way with greater emotional involvement, signaling the creation of an environment of spontaneity and creativity, allowing it to immerse itself in body language, enabling the construction and reconstruction of the gaze, the stimulation of the body. imagination, self-affirmation and autonomy, in addition to getting used to the existence of coexistence of form. In this sense, art can be innovative as it unfolds into a life project, in the (re) construction of new subjectivities impacting new modes of existence.
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