Psychopathological diagnosis

Interferences in the happiness of the individual and its social relations




Quality of life, Mental disease, Psychopathology


This manuscript is about individuals diagnosed with a mental illness. The question is: What would be the effects of a psychopathological diagnosis on the individual's happiness and on their social relationships?Faced with the problematizations regarding the theme, in view of the possible repercussions of the psychopathological diagnosis, scientific articles on psychopathological diagnosis were identified, verifying possible correlations regarding the happiness of individuals and their social relationships. For this purpose, the CAPES platform, the Psychology Electronic Journal Portal (PePSIC) and the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) were used, with the descriptors “happiness” AND “mental disease” and/or “happiness” AND “mental health” AND “diagnosis” in scientific articles published from 2000 to 2020. Aspects around relation losses and impairment in quality of life were investigated, understanding that the perception of unhappiness before the diagnosis occurs. A misguided diagnostic result can negatively affect the happiness of individuals who receive ir and their surroundings.


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Author Biographies

Rafaela Moretti Gaspardo, USF - Universidade São Francisco

Graduanda em Psicologia.

Priscilla Perla Tartarotti Von Zuben Campos, Universidade São Francisco (USF), Bragança Paulista – SP – Brasil

Professora, pesquisadora e membro integrante de programa institucional. Mestrado em Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas (UNICAMP).


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How to Cite

MORETTI GASPARDO, R.; PERLA TARTAROTTI VON ZUBEN CAMPOS, P. Psychopathological diagnosis: Interferences in the happiness of the individual and its social relations. Revista Sem Aspas , Araraquara, v. 11, n. 00, p. e022007, 2022. DOI: 10.29373/sas.v11i00.15710. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 dec. 2024.