
  • Jussara de Souza Mendes de Brito
  • Katiana Kruschewsky Coutinho Santos



Community therapy. Proverbs. Reflection. Synthesis.


Proverbs are popular expressions used to convey knowledge and life experiences, for the purpose of guiding or even counseling in everyday situations. They are widely used in spoken language and are an important part of a people's culture. They are present in informal communication such as meetings of friends and family, as well as on the chat circles of Community Therapy. In this way, we present in this work the meaning of the most frequent proverbs in the therapy circles. This is an experience report, having as background the wheels of Community Therapy held at the University Open to the Third Age - Uati, of the State University of Bahia, in 18 months. Through these meanings we understand that the proverbs brought in the Community Therapy act as an important tool for reflection, guidance and self-assessment of the participants of the therapy circles.


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How to Cite

BRITO, J. de S. M. de; SANTOS, K. K. C. PROVERBS FROM POPULAR CULTURE TO COMMUNITY THERAPY. Themes in Education and Health, Araraquara, v. 12, n. 2, p. 266–276, 2016. DOI: 10.26673/tes.v12i2.10232. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.



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