Psychoanalytic considerations about the job: possibilities for psyche and material world transformation
Imagination, Reason, Oscillation, Work, Educational work,Abstract
In this article I show reflections about the relationship between imagination and reason, embodied in Gaston Bachelard and Herbert Marcuse’s works, and the importance of such discussion to education. Teaching takes a philosophical category because it can establish parameters for an aesthetic subject which resizes the relationship of imagination to reason. What is proposed is another epistemological paradigm and a philosophy of imaginative psyche. The first suggests epistemological ruptures, the second, new aesthetic possibilities. It is an aesthetic discipline that seeks to understand the dialectical relationship of imagination and swing right. Bachelard suggests, to this end, a pedagogy that proposes a psychoanalytic concept and method of intellectual self-monitoring, and distinguishes the moral censure, imbued with an authoritarian, surveillance of intellectual relativism. The teaching takes a strategic position in the formation and transformation of culture when seeking to transcend reality and consider the possibility of building a new world. This transformation can just be realized through the action of a historical subject, essentially new, seeking autonomy and confronting the mechanics of submission concerning the psychological patterns and organization of the apparatus.
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