Democratic power and “alternative facts”




Truth, Fake News, Democracy, Critical theory


The present paper presents a reflection on the concept of truth in relation to the ideal of democracy, especially in consideration of contemporary realities. In this way, the text is subdivided into sections that aim to contemplate some fundamental elements of this relationship for the 21st century, as follows: different understandings about the concept of truth; the ideal of democracy and the principles that should guide the democratic public sphere; the contemporary digital reality of this form of government, with new aspects (use of “bots”, microtargeting, and so on) and old problems (hate speech and the dissemination of fake news); the relationship between power and the adoption of "truths"; and the proposal of a critical theory of truth and democracy.


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Author Biography

Rainer Forst, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University

Professor de Teoria Política e Filosofia do Departamento de Ciência Política e do Departamento de Filosofia. Doutorado em Filosofia (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University).


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How to Cite

FORST, R. Democratic power and “alternative facts”. Estudos de Sociologia, Araraquara, v. 28, n. esp.1, p. e023004, 2023. DOI: 10.52780/res.v28iesp.1.18266. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.