The night literature of Joca Reiners Terron
Joca Reiners Terron, Noite dentro da noite, Military Dictatorship, Contemporary Brazilian novel,Abstract
This interview features the Brazilian writer Joca Reiners Terron with a discussion about the reverberations of Military Dictatorship in his life and his literature, particularly in the novel Noite dentro da noite: uma autobiografia, published in 2017. In the conversation here transcribed and adapted, the repression of this political system is approached, besides the representation of this historical event and other ones, authoritarian or totalitarian, in Noite dentro da noite. Also, there’s a discussion about narrative and identity issues that cross this novel, such as the second-person narrative focus and the composition of mysterious or dual characters that animate a complex plot, in which dark events interpenetrate themselves just like a night into the night.
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