Company presentation and mass acquisition: A complaint to the current regime of industrial penal complexes and the transformation of the misery in business
Prisons, Resocialization, Neoliberalism, Privatization, Merchandising.Abstract
The following work is the fruit of deep introspection on the subject of prisons. It is necessary to say that the chosen approach is from the strictly legal analyzes - which already have an extensive literature - at the same time as it invites us to think about the economic and political factors that engender reality. In this way, I propose to discuss the concept of resocialization as an echo of a Myth that allows social control through fear, ipsis letteris happened in the absolutist monarchies. Beyond the punishment itself, which in any case will be appreciated, emphasis will be placed on the ideological formation of the prison and its implications on contemporary society. Following the subjectivity of the subjects, the hypothesis that lies in the commercialization of prisoners and the subsequent formation of a market for private interest will be proposed. Ultimately, this denunciation will not fail to indicate that the particular Brazilian reality is not detached from the general movements, in parallel with the United States.
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