Os Sertões between civilization and barbarism
The dimension of a supposed euclidian sociology in the formation of Brazilian social thought
Euclides da cunha, Literature, Brazilian sociology, Social thoughtAbstract
This article contextualizes the importance of Euclides da Cunha's "Os Sertões" in the War of Canudos and the development of Brazilian Sociology, highlighting its significance beyond a mere historical narrative by exploring the intersection of science and art, making its mark on Brazilian literature. The main objective is to analyze how a supposed Euclidian sociological perspective influenced Brazilian social thought, primarily through the antinomy between the "civilized" and the "barbarians." The theoretical framework incorporates Euclides da Cunha's ideas, sociological theories of the time, and concepts from comparative literature, while the methodology involves a critical analysis of the work and the historical and social context of the War of Canudos. The results emphasize Euclides da Cunha's significant contribution to Brazilian Sociology, introducing unique concepts and approaches, and the discussions highlight its relevance in understanding the social and cultural dynamics of 19th-century Brazil. This study contributes to the field by underscoring the importance of Euclidian sociological thought in shaping Brazilian social thought and understanding the relationships between culture and society in the context of the War of Canudos.
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