The ages and stages questionnaires (asq-br) and collaborative actions among parents and educators
Monitoring, Child development, ASQ-BR, Child education, Family.Abstract
In Brazil, there is a lack of instruments for monitoring child development that subsidize Early Intervention. This, the Ages and Stages Questionnaires emerges as a possibility, since it allows the participation of parents and educators in the monitoring of child development. The purpose of this study was to verify the applicability of ASQ-BR by educators, as well as the involvement of parents in this process. To collect data, the ASQ-BR was used, a pre and post-test applied to the educators, a question guide to analyze their personal impressions and a field diary to follow the application of the instrument. The results revealed that educators have the skills to apply the ASQ-BR and that the instrument has allowed greater sharing of information on child development among parents and educators. The ASQ-BR points out potentialities in the context of early childhood education, since it is an instrument that allows monitoring the development.
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