Breast cancer predictive genetic testing: a discursive approach about the use of the scientific divulgation text and cartoons in education




Science teaching, Scientific divulgation, Genetic tests, Biotechnology teaching, Cartoon.


This work is focused in a discursive way about how the use of divulgation scientific texts and comics can contribute to the biotechnology interpretation of concepts in the Science and Biology Education using the predictive breast cancer tests as specific theme. For the theoretical reference we worked with the French discourse analysis, which has in Michel Pêcheux one of its main articulators, and therefore we admit that the different use of the language forms will produce specific meanings in each subject, as well as a unique interpretation of the contents. In this way the proposal allows a movement in the sense of contributing to the pedagogical activity in the classroom and informal theme readings.



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Author Biographies

Flavia Novaes Moraes, UNICAMP/doutoranda

Graduada em Ciências Biológicas e em pedagogia

Mestrado em Biotecnologia e Doutorado em curso na Faculdade de Educaçao/UNICAMP - Ensino de Ciências

Maria josé Pereira Monteiro de Almeida, Unicamp/Professora livre docente-titular aposentada, atuando como colaboradora no DEPRAC, permanente nos programas da pós-graduação da Faculdade de Educação/Unicamp e no PECIM.

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How to Cite

MORAES, F. N.; DE ALMEIDA, M. josé P. M. Breast cancer predictive genetic testing: a discursive approach about the use of the scientific divulgation text and cartoons in education. Themes in Education and Health, Araraquara, v. 15, n. 2, p. 194–203, 2019. DOI: 10.26673/tes.v15i2.13144. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



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