Sexual Education, CT&i: a brief theoretical study and a proposal for application
Sexual education, CT&i, Scientific sex education.Abstract
The problem of this study, which is still an initial and incipient study, is the possibility of approximating Sexual Education to the assumptions of CT&i. A curriculum is proposed for school education and for non-school spaces that is born not only from research and production in the area of Sexual Education, but that is expanded to reflect and produce theories about the “industry of sexuality”, with innovations and scientific technologies resulting from the advance of computerized information. In this proposal, a provisional concept of “Scientific Sexual Education” (SSE) is elaborated, which, in its initial project, intends to be configured along the lines of Scientific Literacy. With bibliographic based methodology, the research problem is answered on two fronts: the first front, bringing the area of Sexual Education to CT&i from the Epistemology of Science. In the second front, to propose a methodology in the contributions of Scientific Literacy. One of the main results is the field of challenges that open up for a theoretical and methodological SSE project, for example, digisexuality, new “robosexual” technologies, digital sexual platforms, with games and “senses” promoted by the industry, relying on the science of human sexuality and attending to the well-being of its individual and collective users. The main conclusion is the positive (and “risky”) possibility of this approximation of Sexual Education with CT&i, especially in its complementarity with the emancipatory aspect of human sexuality used in Educational Sciences.Downloads
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