Galactosemia, lactose intolerance and allergy to milk protein: understanding of phatophysiological mechanisms in early childhood and their respective nutritional prescriptions




Children, Milk, Deficiency, Pathology, Diet


The objective of this study is to explain three similar pathologies that manifest in children in their early childhood, contributing to nutritionists and pediatricians and encouraging multidisciplinary work. The rare genetic error that affects neonates and prevents the metabolization of galactose is called classic Galactosemia. The body's immune response to children's early exposure to certain proteins, such as casein and lactoglobulin, is known as cow's milk protein allergy. Finally, lactose intolerance, which is subdivided into primary, secondary and congenital, which is the most common in children, making it impossible to produce the enzyme that would absorb lactose. This article will present a bibliographic review on the possible appropriate therapies to avoid nutritional deficiencies as a result of the need to restrict or exclude milk from their diets. The research used a total of 33 articles found in the Science, Scielo and Google Scholar databases.


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Author Biographies

Beatriz Oliveira dos Santos, Faculdade São Luis de Jaboticabal (FESL), Jaboticabal – SP

Graduanda no Curso de Nutrição.

Livia Fernandes de Lima, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Ribeirão Preto – SP

Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-graduação em Clínica Médica.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, B. O. dos; LIMA, L. F. de . Galactosemia, lactose intolerance and allergy to milk protein: understanding of phatophysiological mechanisms in early childhood and their respective nutritional prescriptions. Themes in Education and Health, Araraquara, v. 16, n. 2, p. 500–512, 2020. DOI: 10.26673/tes.v16i2.13747. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.



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