Community therapy - diffuse suffering for meaning of construction: a host model application and training in the field of mental health
Mental health, Community therapy, Psychic suffering,Abstract
This article is an experience report on the implementation and training of Integrative Community Therapy in the mental health clinic Complex Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Paraná / Ebserh. They were held 300 meetings of Integrative Community Therapy creating therapeutic context to listen to the suffering of others in each group meeting; share the emotional experience of that perception reporting the very significant experience and the chosen resolution to transform the suffering lived in shared learning; enhance skills: individual, family, community and cultural; develop inter-subjective process of prevention in mental health. The active community therapy suffering care experience; It proposes and enhances participation and appreciation of the social network; promotes reflection for freedom and narrative legitimacy of all present in the space of therapy; and calls everyone to the individual and collective construction of more committed interrelations with the care of life.Downloads
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