Violação dos direitos da criança e adolescente: percalços para o trabalho da enfermagem
Violation, Child, Adolescent, Nursing, Protection Council,Abstract
This study aims to examine the history of complaints of violation of the rights of children and adolescents received by the Child Protection Council Mossoró-RN in 2009 and 2010, and discuss the nursing work against violations. It was used as sources of occurrence reports published by the Child Protection Council. The data was analyzed by the techniques of descriptive statistic using relative and absolute frequencies. Data was presented through graphics and charts that characterize the local situation. The main results indicate the necessity to better understand family relations and the disrespect to the rights of children. To establish public policies to support child we must understand the structure, values, social conditions and relationships that involve the family of children whose rights are violated. With this in mind these factors are identified as mishaps to nursing work, besides the difficulty of recognizing cases and over-capacity of hospitals.
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