Democratic management as an object of continuing education of professional education
Democratic Management, Teacher Training, Educational Policy,Abstract
This work is linked to the Extension Project Educational Assistance for workers in the education of the Municipal School Network of Ibiporá in the perspective of the Historical-Critical Pedagogy. One goal of this project is to contribute to the continuing education of directors and coordinators of the schools and municipal CMEI of Ibipora in a way of working the prospects for the realization of democratic management in these institutions. The following is the result of working with the directors and coordinators of this network and aims to present and discuss the concept of democratic management based on the reports produced during the group of studies based on the theoretical support that also provided support for the studies conducted. In the text, we place a conceptual discussion on democratic management and its implementation in schools. We also present the contribution of continuing education, according to the standpoint of managing the municipal schools and CMEI.
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