The impact of the social boundin meetings in the university and communities relationaship
Impact. Communitarian Integrative Therapy. Social technology. Social bonding group.Abstract
Eleven social bonding groups were conducted with a total of 136 participants of which 79 (56.4%) were women and 57 (40.7%) were men. Without exception, both genders reported positive experiences; furthermore, 42.3% of them express that the social bonding group space is a setting where common issues can be resolved and where personal growth can be enhanced. In fact, 39.0% believe that the group allows them to relieve the weight of their problems and lower stress levels. According to 29.4% of the interviewees, it also improves peer-esteem among participants. The study shows that incorporating social bonding groups in all of the school learning processes presents positive impact as they make the students socialize and share their emotional states or general unrests brought on by family conflicts or other risk factors. Therefore, this therapy provides students with opportunities to build their self-esteem and improve their resilience.
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