Artisans and cooperative: the social construction of interest in cooperative action in the craft economy in Maranhão
Handicrafts, Cooperation, Maranhão,Abstract
The paper presents a sociological analysis of the social construction of the artisans’ interest in participating in associations and / or cooperatives, and the purpose is to analyze the reasons for the non – participation of artisans in these organizations. The main obstacles that the cooperative action faces in the craft economy are also investigated. The work brings reflections on cooperative action (cooperation in family production, in the community and in the cooperative) as an economic social action that is at the base of the cooperative organization. The case study was carried out in the city of Barreirinhas-MA together with groups of artisans associated and not associated in the Lençóis Maranhense Artisan Cooperative (ARTECOOP). Research shows that the vast majority of artisans do not participate in the cooperative due to several reasons. It was observed that cooperation exists predominantly between artisan and family members and within communities with other artisans.Downloads
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