The institutionalization of anti-corruption agencies in Brazil: potentialities and challenges


  • Fillipi Lúcio Nascimento Universidade Federal de Alagoas (Ufal), Alagoas – AL


Institutional crisis, Anti-corruption agencies, Institutional reform, Constitutional reform


Currently, corruption is the problem that most plagues the credibility of government institutions. Several countries around the world have been engaged in the development and implementation of prevention and combat strategies. The proposal of creating anti-corruption agencies stands out among such actions. This article presents an analysis of the conditions of institutionalization of these institutions in Brazil. From the examination of international experiences considered successful (Hong Kong, Singapore and the United states), it is discussed in this work not only the viability of the model, but the criteria for the use of the Brazilian institutional arrangement for the fighting corruption in the country. In view of the current political, economic and social panorama, which demands the rethinking of the institutions themselves, it is advocated constitutional reform that covers the creation of an independent state body and specialized in the prevention and combating of corruption, which, before of the complexity and the systemic character of the phenomenon in the country, it must go back in full to the confrontation of the problem.


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Author Biography

Fillipi Lúcio Nascimento, Universidade Federal de Alagoas (Ufal), Alagoas – AL

Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia da Universidade Federal de Alagoas


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