The internet and the (des) politization of young Brazilians
Young, Internet, Political socialization, Political culture,Abstract
Similar to what is happening in the world, Brazil is becoming an information society, where almost half of the population is connected to the Internet. This data produces debates about the impact of the internet as an agencyt of political socialization. On the one hand it is suggested that there is a process of structuring a more politicized and assertive political culture and, on the other hand, its impact tends to be more negative, since it would be producing intolerance and political dogmatism among young people. The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether the use of the Internet and its social networks are affecting attitudes and political behaviors of the young people and what kind of political culture has been constituted. The data used to test the hypothesis come from quantitative surveys conducted by NUPESAL/UFRGS in three Brazilian cities (Porto Alegre, Florianópolis and Curitiba) in 2015 and 2016, with 2035 young citizens 13 to 24 years-old.
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