The construction of mistrusts and the crisis of democracy: media and politics in contemporary Brazil


  • Alexandre Aparecido dos Santos Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Faculdade de Ciências e Letras, Araraquara – SP
  • Rosangela da Silva Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Faculdade de Ciências e Letras, Araraquara – SP


Democracy, Media, Policy,


With the aim of problematizing the centrality of the media in relation to the contemporary political dynamics, taking a historical period of events that begin from the days of June 2013, the impeachment process of the president Dilma Rousseff occurred in 2016, until the truckers strike which took place in May 2018 - understood as processes that express a moment of crisis experienced by representative democracy in the country - this article takes the relation between media and politics as object of study. The theoretical approach will be based on the analysis of Ianni (1997) and Miguel (2010), authors who, in reviewing the literature on this subject, reiterate the hypothesis that the media constructs a discourse of distrust about politics. For doing so, the content of the news published in Jornal Nacional, Rede Globo, during the periods mentioned above will be analyzed, based on data from the Manchetômetro site.


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IANNI, Octávio. A política mudou de lugar. SÃO PAULO EM PERSPECTIVA. São Paulo, 11(3). 1997, p. 03 – 07.

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