Populism and fake news in a post truth era: comparisons between United States, Hungary and Brazil
Populism, Post-truth, Public opinion, Elections, Fake news,Abstract
In the latest elections many populists’ figures and right-wing extremists got elected or became stronger worldwide. It is well known that crises facilitate the concentration and abuse of power, once citizens are more likely to tolerate and support authoritarian measures. It is known that not all populist governments are the same, in this paper we seek to investigate the public opinion and the political culture of each population that elected those populist leaders in Brazil, the USA and Hungary. First, we discuss the political background of each country, as well as the profile of the leaders and their usage of fake news during the campaign. Second, we assess public opinion, political culture of the population for the last two electoral years in each country. In the third and last part, we draw comparisons between these three countries observing changes in the digital political scenario, based on the indexes of the V-Dem Institute (Varieties of Democracy) 2019.
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