Two ways that converge

notes on the marxian theory of revolution


  • Anderson Vinicius Piva



marxism, theory of history, labour theory of value, grundrisse, Capital


In this article we explore the hypothesis that Karl Marx's theory of revolution is not based solely on class struggle. In his mature economic writings, and more particularly in the Grundrisse, it is possible to identify a prognosis of the process of disintegration of capital and the formation of value that would end up making social relations existing in the contemporary world anachronistic and obsolete. Such a process would not necessarily be linked to the political action of social classes, but it would be intrinsic to the logic of development of the productive forces under capital. Thus, at the limit, one could speak of two theories of revolution that complement each other in Marx. Therefore, we seek here to confront the theory of revolution present in Capital with that suggested by the Grundrisse, in their famous “fragment on machines”.


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