Materiality and intercontinental ethics of the Dawn Valley
Dawn Valley, Hybridity, Materiality, RitualsAbstract
This article deals with the formation of the Vale do Amanhecer religious group and the principles that govern its operation. Based on this principle, the concept that allows us to operate our analysis is that of hybridity. This characterizes the VDA, as it absorbs concepts and rituals from various beliefs, forming a mosaic of concepts present in various religious aspects: Catholicism; the polytheistic religion of ancient Greece; European Kardecism; African-based religions; the polytheism of ancient Egypt; Buddhism of Tibetan monasteries, in addition to the reference to indigenous caboclos and jaguars in America. All of these beliefs are in some way ritualized in the VDA's temples and hospitals. Our research is based on documentary analysis (articles and books on the topic), supported by theoretical and field analyses, which allows us, within this multiculturalist and New Age mosaic, to visualize intercontinental elements configured through the symbols in question.
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