“To good science”
Enacting ethics in experimental stem cell transplantation of an HIV cure
HIV, Cure, Medical ethics, Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Social Studies of Science and TechnologyAbstract
This paper aims to discuss, from a socio-anthropological perspective, the ethical complexities that interweave the first five cases of “cure” or “long-term remission” of HIV achieved through experimental stem cell transplants. Through the analysis of selected documents, I situate such technobiomedical practices in the context of “ethical sciences” and explore the different dimensions that define what is considered “good science” and “bad science.” I observe that the ethics of HIV cure is not a given phenomenon, as may be implied by ethical codes and regulatory institutions. Rather, it is a constantly evolving process that transcends clinical practice and is permeated by narrative, political, affective, and practical disputes. In this sense, I suggest that critically reflecting on "enacting ethics" in this and other experimental contexts can contribute to more democratic scientific practices.
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