Literature and education: a marxist analysis


  • Nathalia Botura de Paula Ferreira
  • Newton Duarte


Literature, Education, Aesthetics, Lukács, Vygotsky, Saviani,


The work presented aims to bring some contributions to the teaching of literature in the Brazilian scene, taking as theoretical bases the studies in the field of Marxist aesthetics as well as the historical-critical pedagogy as proposed by Dermeval Saviani (1991). Therefore, we used the aesthetic legacy left by the marxist philosopher Georg Lukacs (1966a, 1966, 1967a, 1967b) whose methodological bases, refer to the marxism in its dialectic conception. Furthermore, we intend to bring up the analysis carried out by Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky (Psychology of Art –1999). Regarding the education field, we focused on the current scenario of emptiness of the contents with aesthetic substance, in particular, literature. An aesthetic approach according to the Marxist historical-critical pedagogy supports and promotes direct contact with the aesthetic-literary, therefore, with the literary heritage of the highest degree of human development. Inserted in the artistic heritage of humanity is the literature and, as a priceless cultural legacy, it needs to be socialized and accessed through education.


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