The ethanol and its networks


  • Bruna Ferreira Pereira
  • Bruna Nicodemos Sekimura
  • Carolina Foganholo Luengo
  • Danilo Basile Forlini
  • Fernanda Cristina Sartorelli
  • Eduardo Lopes Seino
  • Gisele Fernanda Alves Lopes
  • Jean Doniseti Bortolucci
  • Karine Rio Philippi
  • Lucas Lopes de Moraes
  • Luiz Frenando Costa de Andrade
  • Maira Gonçalves Lopes
  • Maria Clara dos Santos Ferreira
  • Maria Gabriela Guillen
  • Priscila Cristina do Nascimento
  • Rubia de Araújo Ramos
  • Valdirene Ferreira Santos


Ethanol, Techinical-scientific networks, Rhizoma, Total social fact, Science, discourse, Symmetry,


This article is an attempt to understand the socio-technical andrhizomatic network of ethanol, which is seen, here, as a hybrid of nature and culture,made of scientific, technical and political decisions. In this way, it engenders otherhybrids, mediating the relations of interests between social actors who participatein its network. We analyzed the expansion of its production through the principleof symmetry, considering the overlap between the social, political, economic andenvironmental instances manifest in this process. We seek to observe the differentdiscourses on ethanol through academic papers, the media generally, and throughdiscussions conducted by researchers who focus on the implications of production andconsumption of this agrofuel. It was found that ethanol adds several relashionships ofinterests that may be conflicting or converging between institutions and social actors.


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