Etnoconcervation and the concept of "power relationships": theoretical and methodological considerations


  • Roberto Donato da Silva Júnior


Ethno conservation, power relations, non-governmental organizations, traditional communities, communitarian management,


This paper main objective is to lift up some issues about the possibility ofcontemporary sociology in current reflections about dialectic tension between humanbeing and nature. Inside this concept, it is proposed to reflect about Michael Foucault´stheoretical frame on the ethno conservation analysis. With the awareness that the subjectin discussion was not Foucault’s concern, the motive is to assess the potentialities ofusing “power relations” concept in issues related to natural space management betweenenvironmentalist entities and traditional communities endowed with a relative sociocultural specificity. The proposal is to notice which strategies these NGO’s devise looking for the organization of its action field on those communities.


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