Forms of resistance and subjectivity in the second generation of seated agrarian reform: a case study in the interior of São Paulo - Brazil


  • Alexsandro Arbarotti Mestrando em Sociologia. Bolsista FAPESP. UFSCAR – Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Centro de Educação e Ciências Humanas – Pós-Graduação em Sociologia. São Carlos – SP – Brasil.


Agrarian reform settlements, Generation, Resistance, Power,


This paper seeks to understand the strategies used by members of the second generation of settlers of the agrarian reform to permanence or return to field in the state of São Paulo. It is thought overcome the dichotomy stay and go out as a category concrete or definite movement of young people and seeks to think these subjects the second generation as having resistance to the drawbacks and difficulties in the relations of micro-powers that are enveloped. In this sense it is thought that these carriers are creative models to overcome these networks and so start to be a new propositional form and from other possible. For the research was used the methodology of oral history in a case study and the results showed various forms of resistance and permeance of subjects who pass through a variety of strategies and activities for generate of income.


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