When talking figures: humanization and power relations in a quarters of military police


  • Fábio França Doutorando em Sociologia.UFPB – Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia. João Pessoa – PB – Brasil.


Military police, Humanizing speech, Power relations,


The research in question it is ethnography at the Military Police Training Center of Paraíba. Focusing on the analysis of power relations arising from the concealment of these through the current humanizing speech disseminated by the institution use these archfield with the use of direct observation and participant, which conducted the ethnographic gaze to the perception of mosaics, panels and phrases that the aesthetic beauty that show, were spread across all environments police training barracks. All elements observed led us to see that, in fact, the evidence in the figures photographed omits forms of power legitimized by its positivity and thereby removes the critical appreciation of the beholder, because these figures “speak” and more which clearly show.


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