This marxism mature of Lukács find Bourdieu: notes for a fruitful dialogue


  • Leandro Módolo Paschoalotte Mestrando em Ciências Sociais UNESP – Universidade Estadual Paulista. Faculdade de Ciências e Letras – Pós- Graduação em Ciências Sociais. Araraquara – SP – Brasil.


Marxist ontology, Alienation, Habitus,


This work intends to unravel possible links between the lukacsian understanding of alienation in his later work to Per una Ontologia dell’Essere Sociale and notion of habitus in the works bourdieusianas. We intend to present at least two points that we believe that the theory of alienation of Lukács is contributed and contributes habitus bourdieusian. What is at stake is to demonstrate that some designs of György Lukács’s later work, in the sense of ultimate foundations of reproduction-specific social being, can give Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological tools – probably to their chagrin – a solo ontological critic and, the reverse path, that the tool sociological habitus can operationalize the capture of certain ontological phenomena of social being.


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