Can we talk about criminal capital?


  • William Alvarez Estudiante de doctorado en Sociología. UFSCAR - Universidad Federal de São Carlos. Centro de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas – Pós-doctorado en Sociología. Integrante del grupo de investigación Namargem: Núcleo de Pesquisas Urbanas (CEBRAP-CEM/UFSCAR). São Carlos – SP – Brasil. 13565-905


Ilegality, Cultural capital, Habitus, Criminal capital,


Starting from categories: cultural capital and habitus of Pierre Bourdieu, I want to discuss the possibility of re-adapt these categories on a space and social agents in the field of urban illegality, retaking the ethnographic work I did for a year in a neighborhood considered violent and drug selling point in the historic center of Quito, Ecuador. All this in order to get close conceptually to propose criminal Capital category in this investigation. This essay is part of my master’s thesis in anthropology and has been modified to be presented and contribute to the debate and understanding of issues such as the formation of criminality and illegality.


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