Wage labor and human emancipation: notes for a marxist critical of "real socialism"


  • Anderson Piva Mestrando em Ciências Sociais. UNESP – Universidade Estadual Paulista. Faculdade de Ciências e Letras – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais. Araraquara – SP – Brasil. 14800-901


Marxism, Real socialism, Wage labor, Emancipation,


During the twentieth century, after the Russian Revolution, the countries in which the State became the major owner of the productive means were classified as socialists. The transition to communism or even a higher form of socialism was subordinated to the development of productive forces, in despite of relations of production. So even with the maintenance of wage labor, which would define such countries as socialist would be the state property of the means of production. We seek, therefore, in this article, hold a Marxist critique of this conception. Based on the analysis of production relations, we seek to distinguish between Social Property and State Property.


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