
Bases de dados:














Understanding Indexers

Data base:

Databases are conglomerates of data that, edited using similar attributes, have the function of assisting in the retrieval of information aimed at the generation of new content. Databases generally have a search system for their records and are, to a large extent, classified into: type of publication, area of ​​knowledge and target audience.

Directories / Repositories

Directories (or repositories, in some cases) are lists that are intended to disseminate scientific and socio-cultural publications from different types of bodies or organizations. They include lists that register the new published titles, as well as their changes and, in the case of scientific journals, all the relevant characteristics that take into account the publication and diffusion of their numbers.


Indexing portals are search tools very similar to directories. Its main function, being a structured environment that gathers or integrates different sources of information, is the distribution of content to a series of other sites that feed on it, through search engines and a directory. The portals can be of the open type (which guarantees access to all open domain journals) or restricted (managed by companies or institutions that have the purpose of indexing the institution's publications), depending on the institution that articulates its management.


Indexes are intended to index the bibliographic references of each article that make up an edition or volume of a given journal, in order to measure the impact factor of each article cited. These references are used, later, for the retrieval of information that will generate, from their accounting, the citation indicators.