Trends in the formation of the image of russia in foreign media by the example of the eurasian and american press
Image of russia, Euro-asian media, American press, Media space, Image transformationAbstract
The nation's vision in international media is a close representation of the world community's nature to its global policy and financial plan and the efficiency of its power arrangements. The significance of this study is to analyze the status of modern Russia on the world stage and those international policies and financial circumstances that hold a significant impact on forming the vision of the Russian state in global media. It is desirable to see the inclinations in creating and transforming the modern Russian representation in the foreign press of the USA. The ordered frame of the research incorporates the international policy of the Russian Federation from 2014 to 2018, which is because of several major geopolitical issues with the cooperation of Russia, which essentially transformed the status of the Russian Federation worldwide.
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